In Featured colection section you can show the products of a perticular collection on home page .

->We have the option to give a suitable title to all the products of the collection, we can edit the styling of the title as well .

->Further we have the option to centralise the product title and price also we can give a bold and capatialize look to them as well .

->Then comes the "Hide section" option, your section will still be there with all the editing but it wont be visible on the front end

-> We can stylise the product title as well everything is customizable Product title color, Font size, Product cutthrough price color, Product actual price          color, Product price font size .
-> Choose the desired collection products from the "Collection" dropdown.

-> "Products per row" represents the number of products that appears in a single row and "Row" as the name itself defines the number of rows that we        want keep .
-> There is a checkbox that decides if we want to show "view all" button or not .
-> We can stylise view all button as well . Text, link, Background Color, Font Color, Border Color, Padding Top/Bottom, Padding Left/Right, Width, Border      Radius, Font Size