-> There is an option to auto ratoate the slide, simply you can select the auto rotate slide here .
-> We can control the sliding speed as well there are various options in the dropdown select any as per our requirement .
Similarly we can select the "Section height" and "Text size" as well .
->Upload the slider image by clicking on change button you can edit the SEO text of the slider image as well and yes we have the option to remove the image as well .
->We have the option to set the image alignment as well.
->Next comes the heading and sub heading .
->Further you can fill in the slider image link .
->Next comes the button that we can place over the slider image. Enter button text here, also have the option to fill in button link then we can
select the positioning of the slider button .
->We can also customize the button style like we have the option to increase or decrease the button text
->Also we can change the backcground color and the text color of the button .